Comptroller General's Office Circular


DateCircular NoTitleDownload
03-01-202001-2017(1)Annexure of Assets Management Circular No. 01/2017(1)
21-12-202006/20202020 දෙසැම්බර් 31 දිනට හිඟ ආදායම් පිළිබඳව වාර්තාව
21-12-202006/2020Statement of Arrears of Revenue as at 31 December 2020
02-10-202005/2020Non-Financial Assets Management of the Government Disposal or Repair and use of Government Agencies owned Vehicles not in running condition
02-10-202005/2020Non-Financial Assets Management of the Government Disposal or Repair and use of Government Agencies owned Vehicles not in running condition - Tamil
02-10-202005/2020රජයේ මූල්‍ය නොවන වත්කම් කළමනාකරණය- රාජ්‍ය ආයතනවලට අයත් ධාවන තත්ත්වයේ නොපවතින වාහන අපහරණය කිරීම හෝ අලුත්වැඩියා කර භාවිතයට ගැනීම
12-09-202004/2020රජයේ මූල්‍ය නොවන වත්කම් කළමනාකරණය - මෝටර් රථ වාහන භාවිතය
12-09-202004/2020Non-Financial Assets Management of the Government-Utilization of Motor Vehicles
12-09-202004/2020அரசாங்கத்தின் நிதியல்லா ஆதன முகாமைத்துவம் –மோட்டார் வாகனங்களின் பயன்பாடு
08-09-202003/2020Non-Financial Assets Management of the Government - Utilization of Motor Vehicles procured by the Government Projects
08-09-202003/2020அரசாங்கத்தின் நிதியல்லா ஆதன முகாமைத்துவம் – அரசாங்க கருத்திட்டங்களினால் கொள்வனவு செய்யப்பட்ட மோட்டார் வாகனங்களின் பயன்பாடு
08-09-202003/2020රජයේ මුල්‍ය නොවන වත්කම් කළමනාකරණය- ව්‍යාපෘතිවලට අදාල මෝටර් රථ වාහන භාවිතය
22-06-202002/20202020 ජුනී 30 දිනට හිග ආදායම් පිළිබද වාර්තාව
22-06-202002/2020Statement of Arrears of Revenue as at 30th June 2020
18-06-202001/20202021 වර්ෂය සඳහා ආදායම් ඇස්තමේන්තු හා 2020 වර්ෂය සඳහා සංශෝධිත ආදායම් ඇස්තමේන්තු
18-06-202001/2020Revenue Estimates for the Year 2021 and Revised Revenue Estimates for the Year 2020
03-01-202001/2017(I)වත්කම් හා පිරිවැය කළමනාකරණය සඳහා රජයේ සියළු මුල්‍ය නොවන වත්කම් ලේඛණගත කිරීම
03-01-202001/2017(I)Recording of all Non-Financial Assets of the Government in order to oversee the Asset and Cost Management-Tamil
03-01-202001/2017(I)Recording of all Non-Financial Assets of the Government in order to oversee the Asset and Cost Management