Recruitment of staff for Project Management Units (PMU) of Projects Assisted by Foreign Financing Agencies and Their Emoluments
DMS Circular No 09
Payment of Bonus to Employees of Public Corporations and Fully Government Owned Companies(FOGC's) for the Year 2000
DMS Circular No 08
Payment of an Interim Allowance of 10% of the Present Allowance to Chairmen and Working Directors of Statutory Boards, Public Corporations And Government Owned Companies and Enhancement of the Allowance Paid for Attending Board Meetings(Reference P.E. Circular No.122)
DMS Circular No 07
Payment of An Interim Allowance To Employees of Statutory Boards , Public Corporations and Governnment owned Companies
DMS Circular No 05
Payment of An Interim Allowance To Employees of Public Corporations, Statutory Boards and Governnment owned Companies