1. Click the Append Sub office file in the main menu of the CIGAS system.
2. Browse and select Sub office file (TBOC_Jul_07_07_2014.zip).
3. Click on unzip button. Then a message will be displayed saying “unzip completed”. Click OK to that message.
4. Then click on Decrypt button --> Go to encrypt_decrypt window’s right side called Decrypt.
5. Click on Browse button on decrypt side.
6. Go to C:\CIGAS_SYSTEM_UTILITY (The system will automatically show you this folder) --> open folder. Ex: TBOC_Jul_07_07_2014 --> Click on BOC_Jul_07_07_2014_csv.encrypt --> Click on Open button --> click on Decrypt button in right side.
7. Click OK to message “Decryption complete”.
8. Close that encrypt_decrypt window.
9. Click on Cash book 2 Temp button on Append_sub_office_Summary window.
10. Then click on first excel file called BOC.Jul.07.07.2014.csv --> Click on Open.
11. Click OK to the message “Accounting month is ok?”.
12. Click on Summary button in Append_sub_office_summary window.
13. Finally click on Validate button.