Q14: How to append Sub office file by the Head office?

1. Click the Append Sub office file in the main menu of the CIGAS system.

2. Browse and select Sub office file (

3. Click on unzip button. Then a message will be displayed saying “unzip completed”. Click OK to that message.

4. Then click on Decrypt button --> Go to encrypt_decrypt window’s right side called Decrypt.

5. Click on Browse button on decrypt side.

6. Go to C:\CIGAS_SYSTEM_UTILITY (The system will automatically show you this folder) --> open folder. Ex: TBOC_Jul_07_07_2014 --> Click on BOC_Jul_07_07_2014_csv.encrypt --> Click on Open button --> click on Decrypt button in right side.

7. Click OK to message “Decryption complete”.

8. Close that encrypt_decrypt window.

9. Click on Cash book 2 Temp button on Append_sub_office_Summary window.

10. Then click on first excel file called BOC.Jul.07.07.2014.csv --> Click on Open.

11. Click OK to the message “Accounting month is ok?”.

12. Click on Summary button in Append_sub_office_summary window.

13. Finally click on Validate button.