Mr.A.N. Hapugala assumed duties as the Director General, Department of Treasury Operations, on 29th October 2024.
Remarkable continuous achievement by Team of TOD
Changing the Remittance Arrangements on Sub Loan Settlement to the Department of Treasury Operations. | Last update on 23th April 2020
Remarkable Continuous Achievement by the Team of Treasury Operations for the Financial year 2016 and 2017(Excerpt from the newspapers) | Last update on 26th August 2019
Remarkable Achievement by the Team Of Treasury Operations | Last update on 15th October 2018
Payment of Salaries, Salary Advances and Pensions for the year 2019 | Last update on 10th October 2018 | It has been decided by the General Treasury that the authorized dates to commence payments of monthly salaries, salary advances and monthly pensions during the year 2019 are as in the schedule attached. Therefore you are kindly advised to make necessary arrangements to make payments according to the Treasury Operations Circular No. 4/2018
Institutions that achieved high Performance in the accounting Year 2016 | Last update on 16th July 2018
Payment of Salaries, Salary Advances and Pensions for the year 2018 | Last update on 29th June 2018 | It has been decided by the General Treasury that the authorized dates to commence payments of monthly salaries, salary advances and monthly pensions during the year 2018are as in the schedule attached.Therefore you are kindly advised to make necessary arrangements to make payments according to the Treasury Operations Circular No. 3/2017
Payment of Salaries, Salary Advances and Pensions for the year 2017 | Last update on 29th June 2018 | It has been decided by the General Treasury that the authorized dates to commence payments of monthly salaries, salary advances and monthly pensions during the year 2017are as in the schedule attached. Therefore you are kindly advised to make necessary arrangements to make payments according to the Treasury Operations Circular No. 5/2016
Payment of Salaries, Salary Advances and Pensions for the year 2016 | Last update on 29th June 2018 | It has been decided by the General Treasury that the authorized dates to commence payments of monthly salaries, salary advances and monthly pensions during the year 2017are as in the schedule attached. Therefore you are kindly advised to make necessary arrangements to make payments according to the Treasury Operations Circular No. 5/2015
Payment of Salaries, Salary Advances and Pensions for the year 2015 | Last update on 27th November 2014 | It has been decided by the General Treasury that the authorized dates to commence payments of monthly salaries, salary advances and monthly pensions during the year 2014 are as in the schedule attached. Therefore you are kindly advised to make necessary arrangements to make payments according to the Treasury Operations Circular No. 3/2014
Closing of Cash Books for the year 2014 and settlement of Imprest Accounts – Treasury Operations Circular No 4/2014 | Last update on 27th November 2014 | You are kindly requested to comply with instructions given by the above Circular when closing of the cash books and settlement of Imprest Accounts for year 2014.Circular 04/2014.
Miscellaneous Revenue Estimates for the year 2015 | Last update on 27th November 2014 | Your attention is drawn to the Fiscal Policy Circular Number 01/2002 dated 17.07.2002 and amendment made them to which consist of guidelines in respect of estimating, collecting, supervision and reporting of government revenue and the circular number 01/2002 (X) dated 03.07.2009.
Loan recover letter of the Government of Sri Lanka