Department of Trade and Investment Policies



1. To maintain a trade promoting and industrial friendly tariff regime

2. To maintain the policy on trade facilitation measures to facilitate trade enabled index

3. To implement competitive advantage tariff regime under trade agreements

4. To implement tax concessions in order to achieve economic and social goals of the Government

5. To promote Sri Lanka as preferred FDI destination in the region


1. To achieve a vibrant tariff regime for trade promotion and industry friendly

2. To eliminate tariff restrictions which discourages the investment

3. To strengthen the Temporary Importation for Export Processing (TIEP) Scheme

4. To strengthen the policy on Bonded Warehouses

5. To organize dialogue with relevant stakeholders for preparing a policy for SME sector

6. To assist the entrepreneurs providing necessary information through customer friendly database

7. To streamline issuance of public officers’ concessionary vehicle permits

8. To promote free trade agreements based on reciprocal benefits within the asymmetrical nature of island trading economy

9. To promote free trade agreements which provide access to the global value chain trading /