எம்மைப் பற்றி

விடய வரம்பும் செயற்பாடுகளும்


Responsibilities in relation to macro-economic policies, annual budget and Appropriation Acts, public financial management, local and foreign savings and investments, public debts, banking, finance and insurance activities, international financial cooperation and directing social security and economic development activities.

Subjects and Functions

1. Providing policy guidance to relevant State Ministries, and formulating policies in relation to the subject of Finance, in conformity with the prescribed Laws, Acts and Ordinances, implementation of projects under the National Budget, State Investment and National Development Programme, and formulating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies, programmes and projects, related to subjects and functions under below-mentioned Departments, State Corporations and Statutory Institutions for the creation of a “People Centric Economy” based on the national policies implemented by the government, and in accordance with the policy statement “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”

2. Providing facilities to direct development activities in coordination with all ministries through the Presidential Task Force for Eradicating Poverty and Economic Revival.

Special Priorities

          1. 1. Establishing a sustained, high economic growth rate that distributes benefits to all, covers all provinces, and minimizes income disparities.

          2. 2. Reducing unemployment giving priority to low income earners and increasing per capital income.

          3. 3. Ensuring price stability by maintaining annual average inflation rate at a low level.

          4. 4. Reducing uncertainties in public revenue policies by reducing budget deficit and public debt.

          5. 5. Expanding financial resources and economic needs by maintaining loan interest rate at a lower level.

          6. 6. Stabilizing the interest rates, financial and balance of payment policies in order to ensure that the exchange value of the rupee is maintained at a stable level.

          7. 7. Introducing measures to promote domestic production, empower low-income earners and incentivize investments.

          8. 8. Expanding the business environment for the domestic business community in a manner that would provide benefits to general public.

          9. 9. Strengthening public enterprises.

          10. 10. Strengthening the institutional structure required for the efficient management of state revenue and expenditure.
